Today I stopped at my favorite coffee shop,CC's in Slidell,La, for some java and organizing. For any artisan out there knows that August is the month for organizing your thoughts and selling plan for the busy Fall show schedule. As jewelry designer, I live for this time. Even though sometimes sales are not the greatest, I look forward to meeting new customers and getting in the Holiday shopping mode.
As I sipped on my medium roast, I fully realize the chore ahead of me . The economy not the best, high unemployment, and customers buying only the minimum. Jewelry is certainly at the bottom of the buying totem pole !I made a list of what I need to get ready
1. Take inventory of materials you already have! Meaning realize what you have and make use of it.
2. On calender mark the shows you will do. By August you really should have committed to several shows already. Knowing this, this helps you set up design inventory.
3.Set time for home shows. This is really great one on one time with jewelry customers. This also reduces your overhead, as you do not have to pay booth fees.
4. Make a list of all jewelry you need to make. Yes, a daunting task. Here is the deal, set numbers of earrings, bracelets etc.... you need to make and really go through with it. Make an effort by end of August to finish all items on your jewelry making list. You will feel so good.
5. Also set selling goal, as in dollars you think you will sell. I know this is hard but you have to do it. Set weekly goals, in other words , one bite at a time. I learned that from my Mary Kay days.
The economy will get better and people will always find the money to spend on things they really want. I will update you on how I do with my list. Forge ahead creative people.